World Ahead

United Kingdom (National)

  • Specification: MagazineAds_1v4 (by GWG)
  • PDF Standard: PDF/X-1a:2001
  • Crop Marks: Required for ads with bleed
    • Binding: Perfect binding

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World Ahead page trim width is now 200mm. Please upload copy to this new size.

Whilst client proofs can still be supplied, advertisers must arrange for them to be sent directly to print sites. The list of print site contact names/numbers/addresses supplied on request. Thank you

  • Full Page

    Trim: W 200mm x H 267mm

    Bleed: W 206mm x H 273mm 3mm all round

    Type: W 180mm x H 240mm

  • DPS

    Trim: W 400mm x H 267mm

    Bleed: W 406mm x H 273mm 3mm all round

    Type: W 380mm x H 240mm

  • Each page must be supplied as a separate file
  • 1/2 Page Horizontal Type: W 180mm x H 118mm

  • 1/2 Page Vertical Type: W 88mm x H 240mm

  • Quarter Page Type: W 88mm x H 118mm

  • 1/2 Page DPS Type: W 378mm x H 118mm

  • Must be supplied as one file

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